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291. 這道數學題太難,我做不出來。 This math problem is too difficult for me to work out. 292. 我一點都不擔心我的英語。 I don t worry about my English at all. 293. 你最好記下地址。 You had better writ
281. 昨天發生了一起交通事故。 A traffic accident took place yesterday. 282. 我取代了他。I took place of him. 283. 每天玩電腦游戲占用許多時間。 Playing computer games takes up a lot of time every day
271. 我的車有點毛病,因此我不能加速。 There is something wrong with my car, so I can t speed up. 272. US代表美國。 US stands for the United States. 273. 別說話了,該上課了。 Stop talking, it s time f
261. 太陽既發光又發熱。 The sun sends out both light and heat. 262. 美國過去發射過許多宇宙飛船。 America used to send up many spaceships. 263. 是該分出好壞的時候了。 It s time to separate the good fr
251. 我愿意把你當成我的朋友。 I would like to regard you as my friend. 252. 為什么不立刻請你老師幫忙呢? Why not ask your teacher for help right away? 253. 你最好馬上給他回電話。 You had better ring
241. 你為什么不挑出你的書呢? Why don t you pick out your book? 242. 我開車接他時,我見到一個箱子。 I picked up a box when I picked him up. 243. 他指向門向我示意上面的一幅畫。 He pointed to the door
231. 我們穿過森林時當心蛇。 Look out for the snake when we go through the forest. 232. 我討厭女人在公共場合化妝。 I hate seeing women make up in public. 233. 該我值日了。 It s time for me to be on du
221. 你最好別站在我前面。 You had better not stand in front of me. 222. 剛才我聽見有人敲門。 I heard someone knock at the door just now. 223. 條條大路通羅馬。 All roads lead to Rome. 224. 打開窗戶讓
211. 請稍等一下!Please hang on a minute! 212. 別掛斷電話!我想告訴你重要的事情。 Don t hang up! I would like to tell you something important. 213. 他經常得感冒。He often has a cold. 214. 我以前聽說
201. 她寧死不屈。 She would rather die than give in. 202. 別放棄你的希望。 Don t give up your hope. 203. 干吧p擔心它。 Go ahead! Don t worry about it. 204. 別走開!Don t go away! 205. 時間過的真快!
191. 請你幫我查一下下趟列車何時出發好嗎? Would you please help me find out when the next train starts? 192. 你有兩個選擇:一是回去,另一個是逃走。 You have two choices, one is to get back, the other
181. 我偶然聽見她唱歌了。 I heard her sing by accident. 182. 順便說一下,我介意抽煙。 By the way, I mind smoking. 183. 我想召集所有學生開個會。 I would like to call in all the students to have a meet
171. 嘗試這個主意怎么樣? How about trying out this idea? 172. 請你把收音機調低一點好嗎? Will you please turn down the radio? 173. 沒關系!That s all right. 174. 我一到倫敦就給你打電話。 I will call
161. 這臺電腦占據了太多空間。 This computer takes up too much space. 162. 英國人喜歡談論天氣。 English people like talking about the weather. 163. 我們樂于談及過去的時光。 We enjoy talking of old tim
151.老師請我們翻過來瀏覽下一頁。 The teacher asked us to turn over and look through the next page. 152. 我一到學校就忙于學習。 I am busy studying as soon as I arrive at the school. 153. 直到你登記了
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