housework 家務;channel 頻道; cook 烹飪;dining table 飯桌;fridge 冰箱; television 電視;oven 烤箱;cabinet 櫥柜; dishwasher 洗碗機;sheet 床單; blanket 毯子;carpet 地毯;curtain 窗簾; towel
landlord 房東;landlady 女房東; rent 租/租金;deposit 押金;contract 合同; furnished 有家具電器的;furniture 家具; heat 暖氣;gas 煤氣;electricity 電; lift 電梯;stairs 樓梯;balcony 陽臺; livi
vacation/holiday 假日; historical spots/relics 古跡;scenery 風景; museum 博物館;mountain 山脈;river 河流; lake 湖泊;waterfall 瀑布;beach 沙灘; island 島嶼;lawn 草地;temple 寺廟; zoo 動物
competition 競賽;sports field 運動場; club 俱樂部;sportsman/athlete/player 運動員; coach 教練;champion 冠軍; gold/silver/bronze medal 金/銀/銅牌; basketball 籃球;football 美式足球; soccer 英
hobby 興趣;entertainment 娛樂; go to the cinema/movies/theatre 去看電影; comedy 喜劇;tragedy 悲劇; action movie 動作片;cartoon 動畫片; documentary 紀錄片;thriller 驚悚片; horror film 恐怖片
job opportunity 工作機會;interview 面試; resume 簡歷; educational background 教育背景; application letter 求職信; recommendation 推薦信; certificate 證書;qualification 資歷; experience 經驗;
strangers 陌生人;neighbors 鄰居; classmates 同學;colleagues/co-workers 同事; friends 朋友;husband and wife 夫妻; guest and receptionist 客人與接待員; doctor and patient 醫生與病人; teacher and
part-time job 兼職工作;full-time job 全職工作; psychologist 心理學家;principal 校長; professor 教授;postman 郵遞員; driver 司機;policeman 警察; firefighter 消防員;assistant 助手/助教; recep
business hour 營業時間;deposit 存款; withdraw 取款;open an account 開戶; savings account 儲蓄賬戶; check account 支票賬戶; interest rate 利率;cash a check 兌現支票 編輯推薦: 中考各科目
fine 晴朗的;sunny/bright/clear 陽光明媚的; overcast 多云;cloudy 陰;humid 濕潤的; wet 潮濕的;rainy 有雨的;clear up 天空放晴; freezing-cold 冰冷的;hot 炎熱的;cool 涼爽的; warm 暖和的;mild
store 商店;grocery 食品店; department store 百貨商場; shopping center/mall 購物中心; shop assistant 店員;counter 柜臺; receipt 收據;deliver 送貨;refund 退款; bargain 便宜貨;out of stock 脫
booking/ticket office 售票處; conductor 售票員;train 火車; express train 特快列車;carriage 車廂; dining car 餐車;waiting room 候車室; platform 站臺,月臺; one way trip/ticket 單程/單程票; ro
airline 航空公司;airway 航線;flight 航班; book/serve 預定; behind schedule 晚點; cancel 取消;customs海關; security check 安檢; passport 護照;visa 簽證; departure lounge 候機室; departure ga
plane 飛機;ship 輪船;bus 公交車; coach 長途客車;train 火車; subway/underground 地鐵; railway 鐵路;highway 公路; sidewalk/pavement 人行道; one-way street 單行道; rush hour 交通高峰期;crowded
make a reservation 預定房間; reception desk 接待處; reception 服務臺;receptionist 服務員; accommodation 住宿;registration 登記; check in 入住;check out 結帳; Identity/ID card 身份證;fill out
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